Friday, September 17, 2010

Ohh 하나님, he's a GAY (again) !

It's really 성가신!!!
Sial banget!

Untung belum suka beneran...
Lah kalo uda???

Kenapa gue harus berhubungan ama orang model begini lagi?
Kenapa gue harus tau belakangan?

Ini udah kedua kalinya gue "have a feeling" ama gay..
Kenapa banyak banget cowo cakep yang gay si?
Padahal masi banyak cewe kece juga...
Anjrrrrrrrrriiiiit! bikin malu gue aja...

Gara-gara sebuah postingan begini... (via chat on Facebook)

"Ecy, kamu enak banget diajak share ya... Seneng banget de punya temen begini"
"Loh.. emang kamu gak punya temen? "
"Dulu si bejibun, after they find out who I really am.. They left me :( "
"Jiah, emang kenapa? What's wrong with you???"
"Aku.... Emang aku salah ya kalo aku gak kayak orang pada umumnya?"
"Gak dong! Justru kita harus beda ama yang laen.. Emang kamu kenapa? Autis? Idiot ato maho? wkwkwk"
"Hahahaha,, maho? apaan itu?"
"Manusia Homo!"
"Hmmm... Menurutmu orang homo itu kayak gmana sih?"
"Kayak kamu! hahah.. becanda kok, Rud*" *nama disamarkan
"Ooh.. kayak aku ya.. hahaha.. Serius nih chik.. Gimme explanation bout it"
"Hmmm... homo ya? aku sih pernah suka ama anak, gak taunya he's gay.. tapi ya eman (*sayang)banget.. masa cakep-cakep homo.. Kalo alasan kenapa mereka homo, ya jangan tanya aku dong! Emang aku siapa?"
"Ooo.. Gitu ya.. .............."
" Kenapa si Rud?"
"Nevermind, sist :) ... Tapi kalo seandainya..."
"If I were one of 'em.. would you still stick beside me as my friend?"
"Hahaha.. pertanyaanmu aneh... -_-"
"Jawab aja.. Yes or No ... Gimme a reason... :) "
"Buat skripsimu tah? okok... Yes! Soalnya aku kan bukan cowok jadi ga perlu takut dong sama homo :D "
"Cuman gitu alesannya... Spektrum berpikirmu sempit banget sih"
"Lah... Maksudmu apa?"
"Cy, I'm one of 'em..."
"Weh.. kamu ngelantur tah.. Ini wis jam 12.. Wis tiduro! Aku besok juga mau ngampus.. "
"Cy, aku serius...!"
"Lah... opo maneh iki... Wis Rud, udah malem aku ngantuk... Duluan yaa..."
..................................................I'm Off ..............................................................

Then he texted me...
"Cy, sorry baru ngasih tau kamu... Kalo kamu uda gak mau jadi temenku, yaudah.. Remove aku dari friendlistmu, hapus nomerku dari contactlistmu.. Maaf ganggu malem-malem... :) "

Alamaaak! Sumpah! Gue paling benci kalo ada cowok yang letoy kayak gini! ALAY banget bahasanya.. Risih gue!

"Halah Rud! Gitu aja uda mutung... Kalo kamu masi nganggep aku temen yaudah biasa aja, ga usah alay... I'm not one of 'em who ignores you after finding out who you are... Santai aja.. Malem"

Anjrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Kenapa harus lo! Yap lo Rud! Kenapa????
Gue pikir .... Haduh... Udaala...
Gue rasa kudu break dari curcol2an di facebook ama lo sementara ini...
And makasih buat M********S yang uda kenalin gue ama si Rud...
Dia asik kok.. Tapi gue gak mungkin jadian kayak yang lo saranin...
Setidaknya, gue kenal ama orang baek kayak dia uda cukup. Ga perlu embel-embel jadian...
Uda ah... So long, Rud... Mungkin seminggu lagi kita bisa chat or hang out bareng,...

* Mandi mau berangkat ngampus >,<"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Camera + Laptop + Ideas = Blog

Hohoho.. I got a new cam!
Even it's secondhand stuff it has great result!
I'm happy (of course)..
Yeeaa... Eventhough I wish something more, but that's just awesome!
Even it's pocket cam, that's just fine,...
 I'll take many pictures as I want in every moment in ma laiv...
Hoho.. Thankz anyway Dad, I appreciate it a lot :)
I'm grateful I'm thankful :)

From this now on, I'll put pictures here, in my blog :)
Hope u laff it, readers ;)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gue Setan, Kalo Lo?

Wednesday, September 8th 2010

Gue pikir lo bisa ngilangin rasa sakit gue ternyata nggak!
I'm home and it fells like hell yea...
Kepikiran juga buat kabur dari rumah,...
Uda packing tinggal cabut aja,..
Tapi semua kehalang,..
Perasaan gue gak enak
Waktu mau ke Stasiun, gue liat mobil ParPol jungkir balik di depan mata gue..
pas uda deket rumah, gue liat keranda mayat pas di depan mata gue..
Firasat apaan ini!

Bego banget, akhirnya gue malah ketiduran di kamar pembokat gue..
Here I am... Still @ home..
Mau cabut gue juga masi loading mikir mau kemana..
iya kalo tempet yang gue datengin masi mau nerima gue, lah kalo gak???
Bbehh,,, Brengsek banget nih setan!
Ngajak mului tapi gak kasih solusi!

Baru liat gue posting sekasar ini?
Ntaran deh, kalo gue uda muncak... Baru keliatan gue kayak apa!
Ga usah ngejudge gue "Angel without wings "dah, kalo lo belum tau siapa gue!
Gue cuman setan nyasar ke bumi kok...

Sekarang gue gak bakal berharap apa-apa dari siapapun..
Apalagi lo! Yap, lo!
Sadar ga?
Say goodbye aja dah ama kejadian baru-baru ini...
Gue uda lupa kok..
Sama sekali gak kerasa manis di otak gue...
Semoga lo juga begitu!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

NostalgiLa, 'Dreamy' ,Termehek-Mehek

Saturday, 04 September 2010

Have you ever tried to memorize your childhood?
Na' yet?
Okay, doesn't even a matter...
Now, follow me! :)
I'll help to inspire and persuade your memories to come into slide show inside your brain...

Outside the enter gate.

Everything Will Be Change as Time Goes By...

I still remember how it was...
Really! I can memorize all the details of this building.
Beneran! Sumpah!
Banyaaaakk buuanget yang berubah di gedung ini! Suwer kesamber gledek!

Anyway, we found several "Historical Stuffs" there... Such,..
Sebuah hasil karya seni yang dipajang di kelas 5.

Sebuah rajutan yang di pajang di kelas 5.

Peta budaya Indonesia masih menempel d dinding kelas 5.

Peta Asia di dinding kelas 3.
Lemari ini masih berdiri kokoh di kelas 6.
We took so much pictures there...
I took them the most :D (But of course not with my cam, but Daniel's one)

Remember her?
I bet you do... And will always do...
Yes, she is our beloved Bu' Bon...
She's still the same (read:awet muda)...
She gimme a lot of news I cant update from my own brother.
*My brother Randy also used to school there :)

She told me, that....
  1. The Present Headmaster is Mrs. Siti Maryam.
  2. Yulius is the brother of my brother's friend (Sinta and Santi).. *mbulet.
  3. The death of Mrs.Rochmah, my teacher.
  4. And absolutely, my teachers's phone number :)
So much fun we have there...
Till my friend asked to visit our teacher's house... (Mrs. Siti)
Okay... Let's go!

We're nostalgia there (@Mrs.Siti's house).
Memorize all the things we used to be...
Mention all the things we wanna be revealed...
Till, I ask...
"Bu, dulu menurut Ibu yang paling nakal di angkatan saya, siapa?"
She smiled then answer, "Gak ada kok yang nakal cuman nangisan..."
*Nangisan means cried a lot...
"Nangisan? Siapa ya bu...?"
"Siapa itu yang tinggi, item, kurus, tonggos(Gue yang nambahin :D)...sukanya nangisan"
Cliiinnggg... Suddenly together mention that name! You-Know-Who!
RISKI KINGKONG! Dreamy candy lover...
Still remember this candy?
Dreamy bikin Happy!

I do really miss him a lot T.T
Yea, even we were enemy (read: musuh bebuyutan)... :P 

"Gue kangen lo, kong!"... Sumpah!
Cuman lo yang bisa bikin gue marah, sebel, kesel, gregetan!
*Sebenernya bukan lo doang, tapi tingkat keparahan lo nomor satu dah!
Hahahhh... Puas! (^^,)/
Gue kangen ama pukis buatan nyokap lo!
Kapan lo maen ke rumah gue lagi???

We were talking and discussing about all the member of our class...
We shared information each other...
And planning to have a big meeting :)
Woooohhh... Watta wonderful moment it was...

We have 18 members at our class...
  1. Me * Kriwol
  2. Famelia S. A *Fambol
  3. Lenni Zulaikah *Lentong
  4. Devi W.P *Begidal
  5. Dyah *Jemblung
  6. Puput
  7. Elok W. *Pelok
  8. F. I Endriyanto 
  9. Nopri *Noprek
  10. Riski (blahblahblaaa) *Kingkong
  11. Bagus *Genjek
  12. Daniel Okta 
  13. Aloysius T.T
  14. I Made Yudi *Pek Yud
  15. Edward H.C
  16. Fransisca 
  17. Nathanael *Nyonk
  18. Yulius *Femau
P.S: Gue kagak semua inget sebutan anak-anak... Sorridorrimorri :)
Where are you guys now?
I miss your present T.T
Masa gue kudu ikutan Termehek-Mehek Trans TV buat nyariin kalian seh?
Kasi kabar gitu kek...
*Tapi beneran loo, gue sempet meyakinkan diri buat ikutan that stupid reality show...

Huuufthh,,, Fine...
Okay, I'll share some pics to help you memorize the lost moments you used to have :)

Kelas 6
Kelas 4
Famelia, Fandy and Okta. Di kelas 3.
Famelia di depan kelas 2.
It was my Dad's name! Holy crap -__-"

Hmm... When I was... ES

I was a b'day girl :)
Devi, Nopri, Diah, Leni, Me, Puput, Elok, Bagus, Endre...

When I was Kindergarten...

I dont remember their names :(
Me, Wibisono, Lilik

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    H-1 before she (someone I love) goes...

    Here I am... 
    Suddenly thinking about tomorrow...
    I dont wanna make my tears out in front of her or anyone else...
    I don't wanna say goodbye,..
    Even I know it would take our time a lil bit...
    I'm crying now...
    I can't write something can courage me... 
    B'coz I'll lose her :'(
    I know I'll lose her.. 
    But not this fast ...
    I still want her here...

    Something she should know...
    I laff her... 
    Her smile, her laugh, her jokes, her stories... 
    I love them all
    *I'm crying just thinking about times we had a long long time a go...

    She's not my friend...
    She's not my bestfriend either... 
    She's my soulmate... 
    I do understand her life, and so does her...

    She always gimme something courage me when I cant stand up...
    She gimme really good prays, when no one notice me...
    She shares her mom, just because I lost a role of 'mom' this time...
    I love her family.. 
    They make me feel envy... 
    They will always do...
    I want a mother like hers,.. 
    So, she shares me her mom :)

    But, I know... 
    I have my own life.. 
    I have to admit it.. 
    Even it hurts me a lot...
    Thanks for everything you gimme... 
    And I'm sorry for everything discomfort you when you're beside me...

    I can write no more... 
    It's smothering me inside...
    Let's make promise not to make our relationship just suddenly dissappeared, like we both have never desire ...

    Yes, this note I made for you...
    Promise me to call and text me often...

    *Huuufthh... Tommorrow I must watch you leave (again),.. 
    Don't you remember I used to watch you leave before this...

    1. To Jogja (when you were having a test to be AURI)... I sent you from Sidoarjo Station...
    2. To Waru (when you were having an AL academy).. I sent you from Perak

    I ever thought, I cant watch you leave vo once more..
    It really makes me cry.. 
    But, fortunately no one see me at that time :)

    But, for the sake of our friendship... 
    You'll see me come, I promise...

    Remember? Our Couple T-Shirt!
    Yap! ini pas kamu nganterin aku ketemu sama Za!
    @Alun-alun : Abis naek delman (kalo ga salah)
    @Cito : barrruu aja kemaren-kemaren :D

    So long, bru :)
    So long, Yulita Ayu Utami :)
    I'll waiting vo your next coming :)

    By: Me!
    Vo: Yulita Ayu Utami

    P.S : I'm Na Lesbian, Ladies and Gentlement :X

    Have you guys prepare to CELEBRATE???

    "Lebaran sebentaaaaarrr lagiii..."
    Don't you realize? Ini sudah ke-23 harinya kita..  
    "Puasa puasa... Sebulan penuh puasa, puasa..." :)
    Some people told me, "Wah, ga kerasa ya abis gini kita uda Lebaran..."
    And for some, "Haduuuhh, lama banget si Lebaran! Udah bosen nih bangun sahur..."
    For me...
    Gak ada yang nanya kamu, Cy!!!
    -_______-" ... okokok...

    Lanjut Maaang!

    Sebelum menyambut datangnya Hari Kemenangan bagi kita umat Muslim, sudahkah Anda merefleksikan diri Anda?
    1. Puasa uda lebih baek belum ya dari taon kemaren?
    2. Sholat... Wah, banyak yang bolong nih!
    3. Amal sedekah! Kapan ya terakhir beramal sedekah?
    4. Saya ikhlas melakukan/memberikan... blablablahh (Yakin ikhlas ga ya?)
    5. Masihkah saya melakukan sesuatu yang dibenci-Nya? 
    6. Ibadah apa aja ya yang belum saya lakukan di bulan Ramadhan taon ini?
    7. And the last but not least ZAKAT! Belom nie.. :D
    Have you done that???
    Doesn't even a matter if you haven't yet :)
    Kali ini saya ga bakal ngebahas soal religi kok... Guess why?
    Hahahahahhh! Yappp! Saya bukan seorang hamba yang taat..
    ( Vogif me, God  TT.TT  )
    Rite now here.. We'll talk about "JAJAN"!
    Yapp!!! Jajan a.k.a Snack buat 'sesajen' para tamu yang datang berkunjung :)
    Hari Raya Idul Fitri hanya tinggal menghitung jempol!
    (yaaa... Jari saya kan jempol semua..*pengen motong jari cewek2 yang lentik kayak adegan film psycho)
    Sudahkah Anda mempersiapkan segala 'sesajen' yang wajib disuguhkan saat Hari yang paling ditunggu umat Muslim seantero dunia :) ?

    Coba sebutkan!
    1. Kacang Bawang!!!
    2. Snow White (baca: Putri Salju)
    3. Kastengel
    4. Permen
    5. Angpo.. :D (Sebenernya dari hati yang terdalam, ini yang paling saya tunggu :D )
    6. dll....
    Tul gak tul gak??? tul jaenak jae jatul jaeji dong :D
    Tapi tahun ini, 'sesajen' di rumah saya bakal agak sedikit berbeda :)

    This is it..!!!

    Ini masi banyak yang belum kebeli... Wanna donate some? :)

    Modificated Nastar (uhuuiii)

    hmmmmm.... :'P

    Dollar Chocolate
    Berapa lapis??? RATUSSSAAANNN! hewhewhheeew
    Rainbow Candies... Laff it d(^^,)b


    come to my house ajja...
    Setelah mencicipi 'sesajen' yang sudah dihidangkan,
    diharapkan untuk memberi saya feedback (baca: angpo)

    Photos: by Me!
    Thankz to: Mas Sony Ericsson K750i yang sudah bobrok :) 
    *...I still laff you kok, saya majikan yang setia :)

      Wednesday, September 1, 2010

      They're Lost!!! (OH,NO!!! I AM LOST)

      Today, I decided to fulfil my appointment to them... 
      Ya! Those were you guys...
      Well... it's been a long time we never met in a complete formation, I thoght... 
      So, here I come...
      Like it was been discussed, we'll go to Movie Theatre...

      Ahaa!!! Holy Crap!!! Tina wasn't about to come!!! 
      That's just another fine... -__-"

      Since we never talk about the movie title we're gonna have to watch, 
      after we've arrived there (Cito) we're looked like villagers
      (baca:Wong Ndeso a.k.a KATROK)... 
      But, yea.. Nevermind ;) 
      ...(I'm proud to be villagers kok :P )...

      OKAY! We decided that one... 
      What's the title, again??? Salmon what??? Hmmm...  Salmon Tuna?... Nononono...

      Salomon Kane!... Yes, it was Salomon Kane!

      "When You Make A Deal With The Devil, There Will Be Hell To Pay"... 
      (I really love this quote!) >,<"
      It's another good story to watch, but some scenes made me wanna puke!!! 
       I hate blood!!! ( I know... doctors shouldn't have this fear,. then what???)
      Okay, it has happy ending.. 
      But what about me??? 
      Will I have my own happy ending after this??? 
      I mean, will I go home before we must break our fast???

      Well, another lies again... 
      After I told everyone home I was about go to campus, now I have to make my tounge stutter vo more... 
      But, fortunately in this sophisticated era... 
      We can only write then send to person we want.. 
      Yes, simply it's called SMS...
      Then say YES, SMS made everyone easily deceive you even YOU MAY DECEIVE someone (just like I did) :P

      It was still 4.15, I guess,.. Ngabuburit Time...
      We took walks to see something good in there...
      K... We're there...
      Looking vo this Looking vo that Looking vo...

      O'o... I'm all alone??? Where are they??? Don't they just here with me???
      Goddamn shit!!! They're lost! Oh no.. I'm the one who just left by here... 
      So, who's lost???

      It's me! I'm L.O.S.T! 

      OMG, wad I gotta do??? -felt about to cry, really-
      Running there, running back here... Searching there, searching further then came back again..
      I got... N.O.T.H.I.N.G
      I've surrounding this huge departement store (ok, Thankz God, I lose my fat 'lil bit) just to make sure I'm NOT a kid who lost her mother...
      I'm tired already, don't have any courage to search anymore...
      Ahaa! I'll try to ask that security guide over there...
      "Maaf Pak, permisi mau tanya.."
      "Oh, ada yang bisa saya bantu, Mbak"
      "Hmmm, Bapak lihat 3 orang cewek seumuran saya?"
      "2 orang lebih tinggi, satunya rada kecil, Bapak lihat?" I put a hope on him :(
      "Pakai jilbab semua?"
      "Enggak! Enggak pake, Pak" 
      "Waduh, saya gak lihat, Mbak"
      "Satunya agak mirip cowok, Pak!" ( I was digressing o.O )
      "Oohh, iya tadi saya lihat Mbak"
      Smiling brightly...
      "Tapi sekarang saya gak tahu dimana"
      Well, Merlin's beard... I've lost my courage, again...
      "Mbak, keatas aja. Kebagian Informasi"
      "Keatas? ..."
      Well, here I go... If I cant find them, I'll go home with taxi, better!

      I just don't know, what I have to say to information staffs there..
      I just thinking about it while I went upstairs...
      Oh, great! I'm in front of it now...

      "Ada yang bisa saya bantu, Kak?"
      Well, thump thump thump... 
      "Ehmm.. Saya kehilangan..."
      "Kehilangan apa, Kak?" She's surprised til her eyes open widely...
      What!!! It's sound disgusting, really! 
      It feels like someone throw a bottle on my head..  
      Pletakkk!!! -____-"
      She's smile.. And the guy beside her was laughing at me..
      "Kehilangan teman?"
      Oh God! It's really a shame (TT.TT)
      "Iya, Mas"
      "Saya temenin aja, gimana?" he's smiling absurdly
      Well, does anybody here has plate or glass or what? 
      I do wanna throw him something on his head!
      Really!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
      "Ahahaha, makasih Mas" I'm forced to smile...
      Then, she announced to all ...

      in my thought was..
      "What if they're looking for me in the other place, so they cant hear this announcement? 
      Oh, BLOODY HELL...
      My cellphone wasn't with me anyway..
      Okay, I'll go home without them...

      "Kak, disini dulu saja ya.." 
      "Hmm.. Mbak, bisa minta tolong diumumin lagi?"
      "Tunggu dulu saja, Kak, 10 menit lagi kalo belum ketemu akan diumumkan kembali"
      Okay, great! It's been an hour I looking vo them, and another 15 minutes to wait?
      Oh, please... 
      "Kakak bawa hape???"
      "Tapi kebawa sama mereka, hehehehe..." I cut her question.
      Then, she lost her smile...
      "Masih belum ketemu temennya, Mbak"
      Jedddennnk! This guy, AGAIN! >,<"
      "Ahahahah, belom mas"...
      Kriiik... Kriiikk...Kriikk

      "Eciiiiiiiiikk, kamu kemana aja?"....

      WHAT!!! It's me who should ask them! 
      I made my face really awful, no smile, no expression at all...
      Just to make them feel guilty... :P 

      Okay, Ashar almost over, and Maghrib would about to come...
      Let's go to Musholla!

      Alhamdulillah... It's time to break our fast!
      Let's go to food court! It's full as you know this is fast breaking time :)

      I've told them everything... Guess what!
      They were in fitting room, without noticing me lost!
      They were NOT looking vo me at all... Bloody hell!
      But, here we are... We're friends... 
      As you know, I can't mad to anyone in a long time... :)
      Anyway, it's really nice to know that I'm a good person, don't you??? 
      I got free drink from Ita and Fajrin :)

       This is it! The pictures we have yesterday :)
      Look! How innocent their face at was -__-"

      @ toilet near movie theatre
      Me and Leeta (baca:Bru)

      Me and Ita (baca:cu2t)

      Yes! We're the first who came to theatre room ^^

      About Author