Sunday, September 5, 2010

NostalgiLa, 'Dreamy' ,Termehek-Mehek

Saturday, 04 September 2010

Have you ever tried to memorize your childhood?
Na' yet?
Okay, doesn't even a matter...
Now, follow me! :)
I'll help to inspire and persuade your memories to come into slide show inside your brain...

Outside the enter gate.

Everything Will Be Change as Time Goes By...

I still remember how it was...
Really! I can memorize all the details of this building.
Beneran! Sumpah!
Banyaaaakk buuanget yang berubah di gedung ini! Suwer kesamber gledek!

Anyway, we found several "Historical Stuffs" there... Such,..
Sebuah hasil karya seni yang dipajang di kelas 5.

Sebuah rajutan yang di pajang di kelas 5.

Peta budaya Indonesia masih menempel d dinding kelas 5.

Peta Asia di dinding kelas 3.
Lemari ini masih berdiri kokoh di kelas 6.
We took so much pictures there...
I took them the most :D (But of course not with my cam, but Daniel's one)

Remember her?
I bet you do... And will always do...
Yes, she is our beloved Bu' Bon...
She's still the same (read:awet muda)...
She gimme a lot of news I cant update from my own brother.
*My brother Randy also used to school there :)

She told me, that....
  1. The Present Headmaster is Mrs. Siti Maryam.
  2. Yulius is the brother of my brother's friend (Sinta and Santi).. *mbulet.
  3. The death of Mrs.Rochmah, my teacher.
  4. And absolutely, my teachers's phone number :)
So much fun we have there...
Till my friend asked to visit our teacher's house... (Mrs. Siti)
Okay... Let's go!

We're nostalgia there (@Mrs.Siti's house).
Memorize all the things we used to be...
Mention all the things we wanna be revealed...
Till, I ask...
"Bu, dulu menurut Ibu yang paling nakal di angkatan saya, siapa?"
She smiled then answer, "Gak ada kok yang nakal cuman nangisan..."
*Nangisan means cried a lot...
"Nangisan? Siapa ya bu...?"
"Siapa itu yang tinggi, item, kurus, tonggos(Gue yang nambahin :D)...sukanya nangisan"
Cliiinnggg... Suddenly together mention that name! You-Know-Who!
RISKI KINGKONG! Dreamy candy lover...
Still remember this candy?
Dreamy bikin Happy!

I do really miss him a lot T.T
Yea, even we were enemy (read: musuh bebuyutan)... :P 

"Gue kangen lo, kong!"... Sumpah!
Cuman lo yang bisa bikin gue marah, sebel, kesel, gregetan!
*Sebenernya bukan lo doang, tapi tingkat keparahan lo nomor satu dah!
Hahahhh... Puas! (^^,)/
Gue kangen ama pukis buatan nyokap lo!
Kapan lo maen ke rumah gue lagi???

We were talking and discussing about all the member of our class...
We shared information each other...
And planning to have a big meeting :)
Woooohhh... Watta wonderful moment it was...

We have 18 members at our class...
  1. Me * Kriwol
  2. Famelia S. A *Fambol
  3. Lenni Zulaikah *Lentong
  4. Devi W.P *Begidal
  5. Dyah *Jemblung
  6. Puput
  7. Elok W. *Pelok
  8. F. I Endriyanto 
  9. Nopri *Noprek
  10. Riski (blahblahblaaa) *Kingkong
  11. Bagus *Genjek
  12. Daniel Okta 
  13. Aloysius T.T
  14. I Made Yudi *Pek Yud
  15. Edward H.C
  16. Fransisca 
  17. Nathanael *Nyonk
  18. Yulius *Femau
P.S: Gue kagak semua inget sebutan anak-anak... Sorridorrimorri :)
Where are you guys now?
I miss your present T.T
Masa gue kudu ikutan Termehek-Mehek Trans TV buat nyariin kalian seh?
Kasi kabar gitu kek...
*Tapi beneran loo, gue sempet meyakinkan diri buat ikutan that stupid reality show...

Huuufthh,,, Fine...
Okay, I'll share some pics to help you memorize the lost moments you used to have :)

Kelas 6
Kelas 4
Famelia, Fandy and Okta. Di kelas 3.
Famelia di depan kelas 2.
It was my Dad's name! Holy crap -__-"

Hmm... When I was... ES

I was a b'day girl :)
Devi, Nopri, Diah, Leni, Me, Puput, Elok, Bagus, Endre...

When I was Kindergarten...

I dont remember their names :(
Me, Wibisono, Lilik

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