Monday, October 25, 2010

No Min Woo's Metamorphosis

Hehehe... From the title, I guess you guys know who he is.. :)
내 여자 친구는 구미호...  Have you watch all the episode of it? :)
I won't tell you the whole story,.. Hey, I suggest you to finish all the episodes!
Worth it to see! :) 

Actually I just knew him after done all the episodes of My Girlfriend is Nine Tailed Fox..
He played as Vet (like me) hahahah... *Im proud to be Vet
If there was a Vet like him, I'll bring my cat to his clinic everyday :D hahahaah 
He's kinda cool Vet I've ever seen :'( ... Wanna see him for real T.T

Well, here I just wanna share about him lil bit :)

Metamorphosis of No Min Woo  
He was debut as a drummer for TRAX (SM Entertainment)
well, I'll give you lil bit info bout him :)

  • Name: 노민우 / No Min Woo 
  • Profession: Actor and singer, ex-drummer of Trax *maknae (under the stage name ROSE), Currently join 24/7 boyband.
  • Music : Drummer, Pianist, Guitarist, Bassist (I dont know either but I'm quitely sure he can play it), Vocalist
  • Birthdate: 1986-May-29
  • Height: 183cm
  • Weight: 60kg
  • Star sign: Gemini
  • Talent agency: SM Entertainment
  • Blood type : AB (like me :D )
Here we go, I'll show some picture of him...

As ROSE (first appearing @2002 )

As member of 24/7 (@2007)

As Dong Ju sonsaeng (currently @2010)
*took from his Yfrog account :)

 Well, I guess you guys quite interest with this guy! 
He has spectacular charming.... *nosebleeding
Oh God, I wish I could find a guy like him...
He's kinda multitalent person I love after (SungMin*SUJU and Key*SHINEE)
Hey! They are from SM Entertainment.. Crazy Cool!!!! >,<"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Me and Whitening Stuffs

Hey hey hey...
I didn't do that!
I A.L.M.O.S.T trapped with her promotions...
K,.. I'll tell you something just happend to me...

I'm quite sure that all of you my readers how beautiful Korean Singers are,
just let me mention these names...

Tiffany - SNSD

Goo Ha Ra - KARA

Hyun Ah - 4Minutes

Sulli - f(x)

Park Bom - 2NE1

Hyo Min - T.ARA

UEE - After School

Do you know why they look pretty? JUST because they have pure white skin!
Hey, sorry, I dont hate them... *really v(o.O)v
I'm just talking bout facts... Once more readers... F.A.C.T.S
As you know some of 'em have done surgical operation to make them looked more beautiful.
I know how much you love 'em but hey, listen to me... It's my opinion...
Please imagine they were in black skin like an African like this person...

Do not change their faces! Just the skin colour , Ladies and Gentlemen, the S.K.I.N_C.O.L.O.U.R ...
Now, what do you think?
Are they still look beautiful like before?
Well, doesn't even a matter if you say YES...
But you! Yea you,... You over there who said NO!...
Don't you have any reason for that?

STOP judging me RACIST!!! I'm not!!!
I just wanna tell you about something will happen if we're not thankful and grateful of God's creation...

Well let me start the point...

Monday, October 11th 2010
My old friend accidentally met me in hypermarket.. Then we have lil conversation..
*I'll translate in English...
Me : Hey, how are you... Long time no see... You look pretty :)
Her: Never been this great sweety, what bout you.. And you look so desperate... hahahh
Me : Whooo.. You're joking me so rough! hahahhh... By the way, how could you get a skin like that... Sooooo white...
Her: I just got my fifth injection this month...
Me : Injection? What kind of injection? Tell me, I wanna get some if it really worth to me... hehehehe
Her: Vitamin C injection... Try it... It's cheap... IDR 95.000-100.000 for once injection.
Me : It's for one injection?.. Does it hurt? When will it show the result?
Her: Yeaaa... Hey, I tell you it's worth it :) After 4 times injections, you'll get what you desire, baby ;)
Me : Hmmm... Should I try once?
Her: Just once? Ooohh come on! It won't work, honey! Try to get it everyweeks ;P !
Her: Sssshhh! Do not scream! I told you, it's worth to try... I did... And I got what I want...
Me : It means everyweek I should let my money out... IDR 100.000... I'll broke!!!...
Her: Hey hey hey.... "Worth it!" :) You should let it go... Its just money...
Me : JUST MONEY you say?
Her: Hahhahahhh :LOL: well, I told you my secret... Gotta go... C ya :)
Me : Yeeaaah, C ya :)

Well, that was how it begin...
Thursday, October 14th 2010 
I decided to go to the doctor for exactly skin specialist...
I asked the doctor to gimme Vit. C injection to make my skin brighter...
Just like my friend told me, WORTH IT TO TRY!
And guess what the doctor told me?

Dct: Sorry, but I do not supply kind a stuff you mentioned..
Me : Then, any bleaching cream, doc?
.........She smirk!.................
........................Ooohhh God, what I should do?  * I cant cry here... What a shame!..............
Dct: Well, young lady... I didn't have anything you asked..
But, if you really desire it, you may find it in any place which supplied it..
But, I told you it could be a danger for your health...
It could make your ren (kidney) and your vascular system (blood vessels) damage.
I told you this because if I didn't, it's such a sin for me..
Me : *How could I never think about this!
I learn bout medicine and its stuff but how could I didn't recognize this!!!*
Dct: So, how...???
Me : Well, I guess I need some treatment with my face, doc. Could you fix these acnes?
Dct: Pleasure...

Now, I'll tell you what I learn from that...

1. The Vitamin C will be inject to your body through your vein.
It just like you donor your blood or got infusion.
For simple explanation it will given through Intravenous.
And more simple IT HURTS!

2. The dose is spectacularly huge. 4000mg!!!
Meanwhile our body needs only 75-90mg/day.
The rest would be waste through our excrete organs. Wasting your money!

3. How come it could be danger? It will injected through intravenous.
It means the vitamin C would flow along your blood vessels.
Then if you continous doing the injection,
one day the vitamin C that couldn't out from your body will precipitate then become crystals.
Then it would disturb your vascular system especially cor (heart) and your blood vessels.
It kills you slowly but sure...

4. The doctor have sufficient time to tell me "God give us amazing gift, if we change it, one day God will mad to us". Forgive me God, I almost make You mad to me :'(

5. Hey, you hear this oftenly but I'll remind you once more "Be Your Self!" "Love Your Self!"
So why must we change ourself to be looked good?
Everyone around you love you just what you really are, especially the one who creates you, God laff you the most.. 
Trust me, you just need to make them feel comfort around you... :)

6. If you have done this, just think about it for more... Your offspring need you to see them grown up well just like you :)

One more thing guys, not all the Aesthetic Center handled by Skin specialist doctor some of 'em handled by general doctor who didnt take specialist degree.
Then it means you trust someone incapable = GAME OVER

Treatment I got from the doctor. It spend my money more than Vit C injection. IDR 425.000 T.T

Once more... It's all I know, if there any mistakes please confirm me :)

PW and Me

PW? I'm quite sure all of you stuck and start to questioning yourself.. What's dat?

Well, I'll let you know..
PW is the simple word isn't it? But actually it does have a meaningful name...
For the accurate, it's KMPV Pet and Wild Animal Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Airlangga University
Dat's my organisation name... You may googling to make sure.. hehe
Well, I won't describe any longer but I'd like to share what we've been doing,
start from the very first time I joined this group...

Okay,.. I don't really remember what we've done but, I'll show some pictures that will allow you to know what activity we've done... Yeiyyy... :)
*Sorry, I cant make it based on sequence... 

Wildlife Observation @Baluran National Forest Park, Banyuwangi
It was our dorm @Baluran 2K9
@Bama Beach, Baluran after Inaugural Ceremony
Aprenticed with BigCat Keeper (Mr. Supardi) @ Surabaya Zoo

Camel Cage @Surabaya Zoo
MC-ing National Dog Show @Laguna PTC

WIth Roberto* ( The All Breed Best in Show ) *Departed


The most stupid speech ever! *bvo starting the core
Me as the Chief Organizer "Diklat Khusus"


Discussion about Turtles @Turtles Captivity @Alas Purwo Forest Park

@Alas Purwo Forest Park with college mates from UGM, UB and IPB

Get ready to follow the route *Dog Rally 2010

With the First Runner Up of Best Fashion (Ms. Ucha and Putih)

Tahura R Soerjo Hot Water Bathing Place @Cangar

Birdwatching Competition @ R. Soeryo Grand Forest Park, Cangar

Me @ R. Soeryo Grand Forest Park

The Enter Gate of The Hot Water Bathing Place
Wonorejo Forest Park in the afternoon

Me @ Wonorejo, Surabaya *Look @ the sky! ^^

Birdwatching Rehearsal before we go to Cangar vo the true competition.

Discussing after Birdwatching Rehearsal @ Wonorejo
With drh. Yulia Endah (nonstop discussing) @VetMed Training

My group @"Diklat VetMed"
H-1 before National Seminar "Domestic Cat Vs. Race Cat"

Demo (How to handle your cat)  by Ir. Budi Hariyadi

The participants of Seminar (while I am MCing) kkkk ^^
hahaha.. I'm not wearing Laboratorium cloth ^^v

The Steril Surgical Equipments for Cat Castration

Me with the other next Vets :)
Actually, I got more activities than these but I didn't receive any photos report...
Anyway, if there are some, I'll put it to my new post :)

"Salam Lestari!!!"
>You Answer< "Saallaaaaaaaammm"

 Photos by : Me, Denty and Bhawono
Location: Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Airlangga University and...Hey, I've mentioned them are!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Ohh 하나님, he's a GAY (again) !

It's really 성가신!!!
Sial banget!

Untung belum suka beneran...
Lah kalo uda???

Kenapa gue harus berhubungan ama orang model begini lagi?
Kenapa gue harus tau belakangan?

Ini udah kedua kalinya gue "have a feeling" ama gay..
Kenapa banyak banget cowo cakep yang gay si?
Padahal masi banyak cewe kece juga...
Anjrrrrrrrrriiiiit! bikin malu gue aja...

Gara-gara sebuah postingan begini... (via chat on Facebook)

"Ecy, kamu enak banget diajak share ya... Seneng banget de punya temen begini"
"Loh.. emang kamu gak punya temen? "
"Dulu si bejibun, after they find out who I really am.. They left me :( "
"Jiah, emang kenapa? What's wrong with you???"
"Aku.... Emang aku salah ya kalo aku gak kayak orang pada umumnya?"
"Gak dong! Justru kita harus beda ama yang laen.. Emang kamu kenapa? Autis? Idiot ato maho? wkwkwk"
"Hahahaha,, maho? apaan itu?"
"Manusia Homo!"
"Hmmm... Menurutmu orang homo itu kayak gmana sih?"
"Kayak kamu! hahah.. becanda kok, Rud*" *nama disamarkan
"Ooh.. kayak aku ya.. hahaha.. Serius nih chik.. Gimme explanation bout it"
"Hmmm... homo ya? aku sih pernah suka ama anak, gak taunya he's gay.. tapi ya eman (*sayang)banget.. masa cakep-cakep homo.. Kalo alasan kenapa mereka homo, ya jangan tanya aku dong! Emang aku siapa?"
"Ooo.. Gitu ya.. .............."
" Kenapa si Rud?"
"Nevermind, sist :) ... Tapi kalo seandainya..."
"If I were one of 'em.. would you still stick beside me as my friend?"
"Hahaha.. pertanyaanmu aneh... -_-"
"Jawab aja.. Yes or No ... Gimme a reason... :) "
"Buat skripsimu tah? okok... Yes! Soalnya aku kan bukan cowok jadi ga perlu takut dong sama homo :D "
"Cuman gitu alesannya... Spektrum berpikirmu sempit banget sih"
"Lah... Maksudmu apa?"
"Cy, I'm one of 'em..."
"Weh.. kamu ngelantur tah.. Ini wis jam 12.. Wis tiduro! Aku besok juga mau ngampus.. "
"Cy, aku serius...!"
"Lah... opo maneh iki... Wis Rud, udah malem aku ngantuk... Duluan yaa..."
..................................................I'm Off ..............................................................

Then he texted me...
"Cy, sorry baru ngasih tau kamu... Kalo kamu uda gak mau jadi temenku, yaudah.. Remove aku dari friendlistmu, hapus nomerku dari contactlistmu.. Maaf ganggu malem-malem... :) "

Alamaaak! Sumpah! Gue paling benci kalo ada cowok yang letoy kayak gini! ALAY banget bahasanya.. Risih gue!

"Halah Rud! Gitu aja uda mutung... Kalo kamu masi nganggep aku temen yaudah biasa aja, ga usah alay... I'm not one of 'em who ignores you after finding out who you are... Santai aja.. Malem"

Anjrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Kenapa harus lo! Yap lo Rud! Kenapa????
Gue pikir .... Haduh... Udaala...
Gue rasa kudu break dari curcol2an di facebook ama lo sementara ini...
And makasih buat M********S yang uda kenalin gue ama si Rud...
Dia asik kok.. Tapi gue gak mungkin jadian kayak yang lo saranin...
Setidaknya, gue kenal ama orang baek kayak dia uda cukup. Ga perlu embel-embel jadian...
Uda ah... So long, Rud... Mungkin seminggu lagi kita bisa chat or hang out bareng,...

* Mandi mau berangkat ngampus >,<"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Camera + Laptop + Ideas = Blog

Hohoho.. I got a new cam!
Even it's secondhand stuff it has great result!
I'm happy (of course)..
Yeeaa... Eventhough I wish something more, but that's just awesome!
Even it's pocket cam, that's just fine,...
 I'll take many pictures as I want in every moment in ma laiv...
Hoho.. Thankz anyway Dad, I appreciate it a lot :)
I'm grateful I'm thankful :)

From this now on, I'll put pictures here, in my blog :)
Hope u laff it, readers ;)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gue Setan, Kalo Lo?

Wednesday, September 8th 2010

Gue pikir lo bisa ngilangin rasa sakit gue ternyata nggak!
I'm home and it fells like hell yea...
Kepikiran juga buat kabur dari rumah,...
Uda packing tinggal cabut aja,..
Tapi semua kehalang,..
Perasaan gue gak enak
Waktu mau ke Stasiun, gue liat mobil ParPol jungkir balik di depan mata gue..
pas uda deket rumah, gue liat keranda mayat pas di depan mata gue..
Firasat apaan ini!

Bego banget, akhirnya gue malah ketiduran di kamar pembokat gue..
Here I am... Still @ home..
Mau cabut gue juga masi loading mikir mau kemana..
iya kalo tempet yang gue datengin masi mau nerima gue, lah kalo gak???
Bbehh,,, Brengsek banget nih setan!
Ngajak mului tapi gak kasih solusi!

Baru liat gue posting sekasar ini?
Ntaran deh, kalo gue uda muncak... Baru keliatan gue kayak apa!
Ga usah ngejudge gue "Angel without wings "dah, kalo lo belum tau siapa gue!
Gue cuman setan nyasar ke bumi kok...

Sekarang gue gak bakal berharap apa-apa dari siapapun..
Apalagi lo! Yap, lo!
Sadar ga?
Say goodbye aja dah ama kejadian baru-baru ini...
Gue uda lupa kok..
Sama sekali gak kerasa manis di otak gue...
Semoga lo juga begitu!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

NostalgiLa, 'Dreamy' ,Termehek-Mehek

Saturday, 04 September 2010

Have you ever tried to memorize your childhood?
Na' yet?
Okay, doesn't even a matter...
Now, follow me! :)
I'll help to inspire and persuade your memories to come into slide show inside your brain...

Outside the enter gate.

Everything Will Be Change as Time Goes By...

I still remember how it was...
Really! I can memorize all the details of this building.
Beneran! Sumpah!
Banyaaaakk buuanget yang berubah di gedung ini! Suwer kesamber gledek!

Anyway, we found several "Historical Stuffs" there... Such,..
Sebuah hasil karya seni yang dipajang di kelas 5.

Sebuah rajutan yang di pajang di kelas 5.

Peta budaya Indonesia masih menempel d dinding kelas 5.

Peta Asia di dinding kelas 3.
Lemari ini masih berdiri kokoh di kelas 6.
We took so much pictures there...
I took them the most :D (But of course not with my cam, but Daniel's one)

Remember her?
I bet you do... And will always do...
Yes, she is our beloved Bu' Bon...
She's still the same (read:awet muda)...
She gimme a lot of news I cant update from my own brother.
*My brother Randy also used to school there :)

She told me, that....
  1. The Present Headmaster is Mrs. Siti Maryam.
  2. Yulius is the brother of my brother's friend (Sinta and Santi).. *mbulet.
  3. The death of Mrs.Rochmah, my teacher.
  4. And absolutely, my teachers's phone number :)
So much fun we have there...
Till my friend asked to visit our teacher's house... (Mrs. Siti)
Okay... Let's go!

We're nostalgia there (@Mrs.Siti's house).
Memorize all the things we used to be...
Mention all the things we wanna be revealed...
Till, I ask...
"Bu, dulu menurut Ibu yang paling nakal di angkatan saya, siapa?"
She smiled then answer, "Gak ada kok yang nakal cuman nangisan..."
*Nangisan means cried a lot...
"Nangisan? Siapa ya bu...?"
"Siapa itu yang tinggi, item, kurus, tonggos(Gue yang nambahin :D)...sukanya nangisan"
Cliiinnggg... Suddenly together mention that name! You-Know-Who!
RISKI KINGKONG! Dreamy candy lover...
Still remember this candy?
Dreamy bikin Happy!

I do really miss him a lot T.T
Yea, even we were enemy (read: musuh bebuyutan)... :P 

"Gue kangen lo, kong!"... Sumpah!
Cuman lo yang bisa bikin gue marah, sebel, kesel, gregetan!
*Sebenernya bukan lo doang, tapi tingkat keparahan lo nomor satu dah!
Hahahhh... Puas! (^^,)/
Gue kangen ama pukis buatan nyokap lo!
Kapan lo maen ke rumah gue lagi???

We were talking and discussing about all the member of our class...
We shared information each other...
And planning to have a big meeting :)
Woooohhh... Watta wonderful moment it was...

We have 18 members at our class...
  1. Me * Kriwol
  2. Famelia S. A *Fambol
  3. Lenni Zulaikah *Lentong
  4. Devi W.P *Begidal
  5. Dyah *Jemblung
  6. Puput
  7. Elok W. *Pelok
  8. F. I Endriyanto 
  9. Nopri *Noprek
  10. Riski (blahblahblaaa) *Kingkong
  11. Bagus *Genjek
  12. Daniel Okta 
  13. Aloysius T.T
  14. I Made Yudi *Pek Yud
  15. Edward H.C
  16. Fransisca 
  17. Nathanael *Nyonk
  18. Yulius *Femau
P.S: Gue kagak semua inget sebutan anak-anak... Sorridorrimorri :)
Where are you guys now?
I miss your present T.T
Masa gue kudu ikutan Termehek-Mehek Trans TV buat nyariin kalian seh?
Kasi kabar gitu kek...
*Tapi beneran loo, gue sempet meyakinkan diri buat ikutan that stupid reality show...

Huuufthh,,, Fine...
Okay, I'll share some pics to help you memorize the lost moments you used to have :)

Kelas 6
Kelas 4
Famelia, Fandy and Okta. Di kelas 3.
Famelia di depan kelas 2.
It was my Dad's name! Holy crap -__-"

Hmm... When I was... ES

I was a b'day girl :)
Devi, Nopri, Diah, Leni, Me, Puput, Elok, Bagus, Endre...

When I was Kindergarten...

I dont remember their names :(
Me, Wibisono, Lilik

    About Author