I made these not too long ago..
I just want to sing as usual like when I'm in my good condition..
Even though I know I'm sick, and the doctors got me to have total rest to make my voice back..
I didn't listen to them.. Sorry, doc!
I guess I know how to make it better than I have to stay on the bed all day...
And the newest.........
I made this just in one take... because I know how hard I try it won't come out any better version XD
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Welcome to Surabaya Han Geng Gege!
Hey! Hey! You! You!...
Maen serobot aje dah! Aje gileee...
Sepatu (adek) gue jadi belepotan kena sol sepatu para SenDuLers (Orang2 yg suka SENDU*)
*Seneng Ndusel -> well,, jujur ga yaaa.. gue juga ga ngerti arti ndusel sebenernya... hehe
Mameeen! ngefans sih ngefans tapi jangan kayak satpol pepe dong!
Masa' ngeliat Han Geng Gege aja kaya ngeliat PKL, maen gusur yang didepan muke loo ajee...
*hela napas*
liat jadinya...! batal kan!!!
Oke... daripada maencerutu -> apa sih? menggerutu kali lebih tepatnya...
Gue bakal menceriterakan kronologisnya...
Gue ama Nanad* <- bukan nama sebenarnya (temen SMP & SMA gue) berangkat dari rumah jam 9 lebih dikit.
Meluncur naek motor ke TP... *woouueeenggg~*
Sampe'lah kita jam berapa ya, Nad?...
Pokonya kurang lebih 1 jam perjalanan yang harus gue tempuh untuk ketemu ama KOKO* ganteng itu!
*panggilan kakak lakilaki versi Cina-Jawa
Seperti yang direncanakan, kita: (gue, Nanad, Mia, Mbak Ifa dkk) bakal ketemuan di food court lama. Gue sempet liat Atrium Indovision yang dimaksud buat ketemu KOKO ganteng. what the HELL! mana panggungnya??? cuma secumprit begitu? kalo cuman buat gue tidur-tiduran sih mungkin udah ludes tempetnya *soklebay*
Gue ama Nanad 'kepagian' deh keliatannya... Secara gue diusir ama bakul es teh Tong**** , padahal gue kan punya duit buat beli! Kampretos Adios Amigos X Siempre pokonya tuh mbak mbak bakul es teh! Oke gue ke Batman and Robin itu tu yang jualan es krim ya? apa seh??? Basket and Robin? whatsoever... cuman beli Aqu* botol yang harganya Rp. 3.000,- SODARA SODARA! 2x lipat dari harga yang biasa gue bayar di Bu Dinir!
*hela napas lagi*
Oke kita cari tempet duduk di food court sambil nunggu Mia...
tik tok tik tok...
PDA gue bunyi... ternyata 2 makhluk yang paling seksehh ala Mulan Jambakjambakan sms...
Mbak Ifa : Kerumah sakit dulu nganterin Ayu, ngambil banner buat ELF Surabaya baru ke TP
Mia : Macet
Ga lama kemudian Mia dateng bawa semacam poster tulisan ama foto si KOKO.
Tulisannya " Han Geng Wo Men Ai Ni" begitulah kurang lebih.
Laper -> gue makan sushi aja deh! Mia nunggu bakul K-Pantat ga datengdateng oke beli lah dia Taiwan Street Snack... Nanad... cukup makan angin keliatannya... hahaha
Dari bawah ada teriakan hebooohh dahsyattt... ampe semua orang yang ada di food court tolah toleh saling liat liatan tanya tanyaan... begitulah yang bisa gue gambarin pas situasi tersebut... Masa' uda ada sinyal begitu kita juga masih ndlahom? otomatis lah kita bergegas untuk cari tau sesuatu yang katanya Om Bule "what happen"...
Wah.. MCnya uda naek stage yang konon kelihatannya ga sampe setinggi setengah meter...
nyoba sedikit usaha maju kedekat stage... tapi yaa kalah ama yang badannya lebih gede dari gue... Lumayan deket laah posisi gue, mungkin cuma sekitar 1 meteran dari stage. Gebleknya, pas disuruh duduk ama EOnya kita masih ndoweh mbambleh ampe ga sadar kita kecepit di antara penonton. Semua pada duduk. Kita bertiga? Mau mundur? Maaameeennn!!! Ajee gileee! Usaha gue dateng lebih awal terbakar hangus sudah kalo gitu doang! Oke kita duduk ala samurai Jepang! gue ga ngada ngada kali ini! beneran gue kaga bisa duduk nyaman berasa orang lagi ambeien gitu laa *sotoy*
Oke gue nyerah! Kaki gue ogah diajak berkompromi buat menopang seluruh berat tubuh gue hari ini! Ngehek!
Mundur, ketemu ama salah satu WiFi Generation Member di kampus gue (FKH UA) si Putri, Dewa Download Drama Korea/Jepang... Akhirnya dia memutuskan keputusan terbesar dalam hidupnya! -> ikut liat KOKO! padahal rencananya dia mau pulang abis ngaterin HDnya si Mia. Eh, ga lama kemudian kita ketemu ama Mbak Anna yang lagi santainya karaoke di atrium itu juga! daripada ikut soro dipermainkan ama si EO -> kita ikutan KARAOKE! Mbak Ifa, Nanda, Mbak I'in ama Cuwi*juga bukan nama sebenarnya* pun akhirnya join juga ke kumpulan manusia ga jelas macam kita (ga pake gue).
Entah gimana awalnya, gue langsung ikut lari ke sekitar jalan masuk si KOKO yang katanya abis dari Sheraton Hotel buat Meet and Greet Exclusive by Indovision menuju atrium TP...
Oke, ambil posisi...
(13.00) Seorang crew lewat leluasa masuk ke pintu tersebut melalui pager betis security dan keluar...
Fans pun histeris... ternyataaaa...
crew ini lagi maen JOMPLO SINGIDAN! metu mlebu metu mlebu! kayok umbel ae! *mangkel*
ga cuman crew aja! Security yang laen juga tega mem-bully kita para fans dengan terusterusan membuka-tutup pintu masuk jalan si KOKO.
Coba gue sangu bakiak! Uda gue lempar tuh ke kepala orang yang keluar masuk pintu mulu.
Tips dari seorang teman yang baru saya kenal : LAEN KALI GUE BAWA MERCON TAWON! biar ga ribet mbulet begindang de bo'!
1 jam kemudian (14.30) : Para security and crew menyuruh kita untuk mundur dam memberi jalan yang layak untuk si KOKO ini. Baterei handycam gue uda tulilulit *mau abis*. Gmana nggak? setiap crew/security buka pintu para fans berteriak histeris gila, otomatis HANDS UP nyalain cam buat dapetin gambarnya si KOKO. Nyatanya... tipuan dan trik belaka! *muntap*
Detik detik terakhir -> Pintu dibuka lebar! dan terlihat banyaaaakkk orang yang keluar dari pintu itu.
"Mana seh si KOKO ini? ga nongol nongol!" sekelibetan gue denger ada yang ngomong begitu..
Dengan bekson para fans yang haus darah segar bengak bengok jerak jerik ae!
Keluarlah si Pangeran yang ditunggu tunggu dari abad lalu! Pakaian (semacam jas) hitam merah, daleman putih, pake tindik, rambut kayak Goku Dragon Ball! Buseeettt! Ganteng amet nih mas mas! Suiuit!*bersiul*
Oke gue uda dapet gambarnya! Menepi dulu yuk...
Kita duduk ngelempoh kayak anak ilang gitu, saking capeknya duselduselan di pintu masuk si KOKO.
Ga lama kemudian, fans yang ada di lt.1 dan lt. yang lebih tinggi teriak "KASI JALAN! KASI JALAN!"
Hah!!! Apaan yang dikasih jalan?
Singkat cerita si KOKO balik kucing ke pintu masuk tadi.
What's on earth seeeh?
Eh eh kok gitu sih?...
Lama kemudian... KOKO ga balik panggung mameeenn! Ga balik!!! Esmosi gue!
3 jam nunggu dia cuman muncul 3 detik doang di cam gue!
Ga lama kemudian banyak anak anak lari larian... entah itu disebut jogging ato skipping ato sprint! mengejar sesuatu yang disebut KOKO... wadu! ga bole ketinggalan! *wuuusshh*
Dan setelah ngosngosan *berasa genjot pedal tukang becak* keliatan tuh rambut si Goku! Wahh itu si KOKO beneran! dan dia lagi jalan menuju pintu keluar utama! ...
Huwaduh! Ga nutut mameen! okela kalo begeto! dia uda masuk mobil dan katanya mau langsung ke bandara Juanda untuk flight back to Jakarta...
Di twitter rame.. banyak elf Jakarta dan sekitarnya yang mempertanyakan... "Jam segini uda balik Jakarta? What's wrong with Surabaya?" ... Jawab gue -> EMBOH!
beberapa foto yang gue upload ini bukan hasil jepretan sendiri melainkan -> Nanad and Cuwi dll
Gue yang pegang FOTO si KOKO : Cuwi yang Motret : Pojok kiri : Unknown *loh* |
KiKa : Nanad, Mbak I'in, Gue, Putri, Cuwi, Mia |
Yang motret terlalu bersemangat! XD |
Situasi : Acara belum dimulai! |
Nungguin KOKO Ganteng |
Lah! Kok! Jilbab gue nongol? Nanaaad o.O" |
Ini gue ngeblutut dari ELF Semarang.. Thx! :) |
untuk video.. murni dari cam gue.. RAW.. kaga gue edit ato macem macemin...
Beberapa teori dan alasan mengapa Han Geng TIDAK JADI TAMPIL :
Dibalik Layar Kembalinya Han Geng, Mungkinkah kesengajaan yang diskenario ?
Sebenarnya aku tidak mau menyalahkan siapapun, tapi karena ini benar2 menyakitkan dan mengecewakan akhirnya aku menulis setelah meneliti beberapa hal yang kulihat nyata di depan mata
dan ini juga berbagi dari pengalaman kakakku dan juga teman polisinya
Awalnya aku hanya tau marah dan marah sampai nggak bisa makan dan minum sampai dirumah karena gege kembali ke China tanpa sepatah kata pun malah dapat kado berharga dari fans, cakaran & jatuh juga
Aku datang dengan marah2 pd semua anggota keluargaku, semua-muanya kena marah, gara2 kekecewaan. tapi akhirnya mereka memberi penjelasan dan memberiku waktu untuk tenang
setelah aku buka internet dan membaca semua yang terjadi, akhirnya aku merasa ini adalah skenario
tentang Kabarnya Polisi tidak memberi ijin
Benar, polisi tidak memberi ijin sebuah event seperti ini di tempat umum, karena faktor keamanan penonton. (ini pengalamanku menyelenggarakan event sekampung-penontonnya yang lebih sedikit dpd tadi, yang akhirnya di datangi polisi dan akhirnya mendapat ijin & mendapat pengawalan penuh)
Tapi yang terjadi tadi, aku heran sejak awal kenapa tidak ada polisi - itu membuktikan bahwa polisi memang benar2 tidak memberi ijin adanya event tsb
POlisi hanya berkewajiban memberi pengawalan terhadap tamu asing-Han Geng, bukan memberi pengamanan kepada penonton, itulah sebabnya kenapa di TP tidak ada polisi
Padahal pihak promotor sudah menayangkan jadwal di Indonesia
jadi mereka tidak mau mengecewakan semua pihak (TP & fans)
Jadilah Han Geng hanya dimunculkan beberapa saat.
kekacauan fans akan dijadikan alasan, agar mereka (promotor) bebas tugas
Biasanya polisi2 kita tidak akan memberi ijin terhadap event besar seperti ini di tempat umum. mereka biasanya akan meminta event seperti ini di ruang terbatas misalnya gedung dengan kapasitas tertentu. Tapi TP, semua orang bisa bebas keluar masuk semaunya.
Aku merasa inilah yang terjadi sebenarnya. Kenapa aku menyebutnya skenario ?
Karena kenyataannya, panggung itu, bukan untuk artis, bahkan artis lokal pun tidak layak mendapat panggung yang sekecil itu, Apalagi level Han Geng
Ketika aku masuk ke TP, para security, tidak mengecheck tas ku, dengan metal detector, itu artinya mereka tau bahwa di dalam TP tidak akan terjadi apa2. Sangat aneh....
Bukankah seharusnya pihak TP sudah tau dari promotor bahwa Han Geng adalah artis level bagaimana. Jadi ada ksengajaan, semua Orang dibiarkan masuk untk meningkattkan omset penjualan dari penjual di dalam TP
Kenapa tidak di batalkan saja?
Pihak promotor tentu tidak mau dihujat oleh pihak TP & penggemar
Jadilah di skenario. Han Geng akan dimunculkan sebentar saja.
Akhirnya, semua orang tau bahwa Han Geng benar2 datang
pihak TP di untungkan
Pihak promotor tidak perlu mencoreng muka karena harus membatalkan jadwal
Han Geng juga baik di mata fans, karena sudah berusaha keras datang.
Siapa yang salah? tidak tau.
melihat animo yang begini ramai, pihak promotor pasti akan mengadakan lagi dengan event yang lebih menarik dengan berbayar tentunya.
tunggu saja. apa yang terjadi nanti ? akankah Han Geng akan tampil di Surabaya lagi
Jika aku benar. mungkin dia akan tampil lagi dengan kemasan yang berbeda dan kita bisa menonton artis asing.
ini hanya penilaianku seorang. dengan beberapa pertimbangan dan pengalaman dari beberapa orang yang kukenal.
Apa pun penilaianmu, bukankah kita semua berhak menilai dibalik layar kembalinya Han Geng, artis yang kutau dia sangat profesional
Jangan lupa, bahwa tadi itu acara GRatis, bukankah sudah sangat beruntung kita sudah berada dalam satu atap bersama Han Geng, bahkan melihat ujung rambutnya pun sudah sangat beruntung menurutku.
by : nunuk pramudya
Sebenarnya aku tidak mau menyalahkan siapapun, tapi karena ini benar2 menyakitkan dan mengecewakan akhirnya aku menulis setelah meneliti beberapa hal yang kulihat nyata di depan mata
dan ini juga berbagi dari pengalaman kakakku dan juga teman polisinya
Awalnya aku hanya tau marah dan marah sampai nggak bisa makan dan minum sampai dirumah karena gege kembali ke China tanpa sepatah kata pun malah dapat kado berharga dari fans, cakaran & jatuh juga
Aku datang dengan marah2 pd semua anggota keluargaku, semua-muanya kena marah, gara2 kekecewaan. tapi akhirnya mereka memberi penjelasan dan memberiku waktu untuk tenang
setelah aku buka internet dan membaca semua yang terjadi, akhirnya aku merasa ini adalah skenario
tentang Kabarnya Polisi tidak memberi ijin
Benar, polisi tidak memberi ijin sebuah event seperti ini di tempat umum, karena faktor keamanan penonton. (ini pengalamanku menyelenggarakan event sekampung-penontonnya yang lebih sedikit dpd tadi, yang akhirnya di datangi polisi dan akhirnya mendapat ijin & mendapat pengawalan penuh)
Tapi yang terjadi tadi, aku heran sejak awal kenapa tidak ada polisi - itu membuktikan bahwa polisi memang benar2 tidak memberi ijin adanya event tsb
POlisi hanya berkewajiban memberi pengawalan terhadap tamu asing-Han Geng, bukan memberi pengamanan kepada penonton, itulah sebabnya kenapa di TP tidak ada polisi
Padahal pihak promotor sudah menayangkan jadwal di Indonesia
jadi mereka tidak mau mengecewakan semua pihak (TP & fans)
Jadilah Han Geng hanya dimunculkan beberapa saat.
kekacauan fans akan dijadikan alasan, agar mereka (promotor) bebas tugas
Biasanya polisi2 kita tidak akan memberi ijin terhadap event besar seperti ini di tempat umum. mereka biasanya akan meminta event seperti ini di ruang terbatas misalnya gedung dengan kapasitas tertentu. Tapi TP, semua orang bisa bebas keluar masuk semaunya.
Aku merasa inilah yang terjadi sebenarnya. Kenapa aku menyebutnya skenario ?
Karena kenyataannya, panggung itu, bukan untuk artis, bahkan artis lokal pun tidak layak mendapat panggung yang sekecil itu, Apalagi level Han Geng
Ketika aku masuk ke TP, para security, tidak mengecheck tas ku, dengan metal detector, itu artinya mereka tau bahwa di dalam TP tidak akan terjadi apa2. Sangat aneh....
Bukankah seharusnya pihak TP sudah tau dari promotor bahwa Han Geng adalah artis level bagaimana. Jadi ada ksengajaan, semua Orang dibiarkan masuk untk meningkattkan omset penjualan dari penjual di dalam TP
Kenapa tidak di batalkan saja?
Pihak promotor tentu tidak mau dihujat oleh pihak TP & penggemar
Jadilah di skenario. Han Geng akan dimunculkan sebentar saja.
Akhirnya, semua orang tau bahwa Han Geng benar2 datang
pihak TP di untungkan
Pihak promotor tidak perlu mencoreng muka karena harus membatalkan jadwal
Han Geng juga baik di mata fans, karena sudah berusaha keras datang.
Siapa yang salah? tidak tau.
melihat animo yang begini ramai, pihak promotor pasti akan mengadakan lagi dengan event yang lebih menarik dengan berbayar tentunya.
tunggu saja. apa yang terjadi nanti ? akankah Han Geng akan tampil di Surabaya lagi
Jika aku benar. mungkin dia akan tampil lagi dengan kemasan yang berbeda dan kita bisa menonton artis asing.
ini hanya penilaianku seorang. dengan beberapa pertimbangan dan pengalaman dari beberapa orang yang kukenal.
Apa pun penilaianmu, bukankah kita semua berhak menilai dibalik layar kembalinya Han Geng, artis yang kutau dia sangat profesional
Jangan lupa, bahwa tadi itu acara GRatis, bukankah sudah sangat beruntung kita sudah berada dalam satu atap bersama Han Geng, bahkan melihat ujung rambutnya pun sudah sangat beruntung menurutku.
by : nunuk pramudya
knapa acara hangeng kok batal??? ...Ada beberapa hal yang bisa jadi faktor kesalahan dari acara Indovision untuk Indonesia tersebut sehingga buat acara batal, padahal Hangeng dah jalan ke panggung dan jarak kami cuman beberapa meter aja (>,<)
1. Stage Area yang gak sesuai dan tidak cocok
Bayangin panggungnya berbetuk lingkaran diameter cuman 2m, dengan tinggi gak sampe 1 m,panggung ditempatkan di tengah2 areanya, jadi para penonton mengelilingi panggung itu.Dan disetiap sisi sudut stage ditempatkan TV plasma dipasang ditriplek 4 sisi yang deket bgt ma kepala. Jadinya td anatar penonton yg berjubel dan panggung, dah gak keliatan bedanya, dan ketika Hangeng datang dari arah timur, plasma TV bagian timur mau rubuh... (hampir rubuh ke saya T_T )...selain itu gak ada batas yang jelas antara panggung dan penonton,ketika Hangeng dateng para satpam aja yg jadi pengaman ..dan ini nih...banyak yg arogan satpamnya...temenku sampe kedorong hampir jatuh...pdahal temenku g berbuat anarkis sama sekali...
2.Banyaknya fans yg gak ndengerin perintah panitia
Acara molor karena fans pada gak mau dengerin perintah panitia yg cukup simple "duduk yang tertib..." butuh waktu sekitar sejam untuk nertibin.,....DAAAAN ternyata banyak orang yg dateng itu bukan fans kok...banyak org sebelahku tadi yg malah dtg cuman blg "siapa sih?" "ih ganteng ya." para komunitas elf surabaya malah memilih nonton di lantai LG ato 1 diatas lantai UG untuk menghindari kericuhan...aku tadi ketemuan ma ketuanya di atas ^^
oke...akhirnya fans bisa ditenangin..semua pada duduk.kecuali bagian deket akses masuk masih pada berdiri....dan klimaksnya:
Sebenernya tadi Hangeng tuh dah jalan dari akses masuknya ke stage...!dah tinggal jarak 2m lagi dia naik stage..!.tapi orang2 yg pada berdiri deket akses masuk bagian belakang nih pd ngerangsek maju semua sampe satpamnya anarkis ndorong2...!temenku yg dah tertib deket akses masuk pada kedorong2 gak jelas krn digencet dr berbagai sisi... sampe akhirnya terjadilah insiden TV mau jatuh..dan ga tau gmn si Hangeng balik kucing (ketutupan TV miring tadi aku T__T )
trus gak lama panitia ngumumin kalo Hangeng ga bisa masuk ke acara krn dah acara molor bgt dan dia harus balik lagi ke bandara....
yah gitu yg bisa saya tangkep dari acara tadi..mungkin ini kesalahan panitia ma orang2 nonton yg pada ababil tadi...panitia gak prepare dgn baik stage plus keamanannya...dan fans yang gak bisa berpikir logis dan sabar...
Semoga hal ini gak keulang lagi..dah itu aja saran saya...
1. Stage Area yang gak sesuai dan tidak cocok
Bayangin panggungnya berbetuk lingkaran diameter cuman 2m, dengan tinggi gak sampe 1 m,panggung ditempatkan di tengah2 areanya, jadi para penonton mengelilingi panggung itu.Dan disetiap sisi sudut stage ditempatkan TV plasma dipasang ditriplek 4 sisi yang deket bgt ma kepala. Jadinya td anatar penonton yg berjubel dan panggung, dah gak keliatan bedanya, dan ketika Hangeng datang dari arah timur, plasma TV bagian timur mau rubuh... (hampir rubuh ke saya T_T )...selain itu gak ada batas yang jelas antara panggung dan penonton,ketika Hangeng dateng para satpam aja yg jadi pengaman ..dan ini nih...banyak yg arogan satpamnya...temenku sampe kedorong hampir jatuh...pdahal temenku g berbuat anarkis sama sekali...
2.Banyaknya fans yg gak ndengerin perintah panitia
Acara molor karena fans pada gak mau dengerin perintah panitia yg cukup simple "duduk yang tertib..." butuh waktu sekitar sejam untuk nertibin.,....DAAAAN ternyata banyak orang yg dateng itu bukan fans kok...banyak org sebelahku tadi yg malah dtg cuman blg "siapa sih?" "ih ganteng ya." para komunitas elf surabaya malah memilih nonton di lantai LG ato 1 diatas lantai UG untuk menghindari kericuhan...aku tadi ketemuan ma ketuanya di atas ^^
oke...akhirnya fans bisa ditenangin..semua pada duduk.kecuali bagian deket akses masuk masih pada berdiri....dan klimaksnya:
Sebenernya tadi Hangeng tuh dah jalan dari akses masuknya ke stage...!dah tinggal jarak 2m lagi dia naik stage..!.tapi orang2 yg pada berdiri deket akses masuk bagian belakang nih pd ngerangsek maju semua sampe satpamnya anarkis ndorong2...!temenku yg dah tertib deket akses masuk pada kedorong2 gak jelas krn digencet dr berbagai sisi... sampe akhirnya terjadilah insiden TV mau jatuh..dan ga tau gmn si Hangeng balik kucing (ketutupan TV miring tadi aku T__T )
trus gak lama panitia ngumumin kalo Hangeng ga bisa masuk ke acara krn dah acara molor bgt dan dia harus balik lagi ke bandara....
yah gitu yg bisa saya tangkep dari acara tadi..mungkin ini kesalahan panitia ma orang2 nonton yg pada ababil tadi...panitia gak prepare dgn baik stage plus keamanannya...dan fans yang gak bisa berpikir logis dan sabar...
Semoga hal ini gak keulang lagi..dah itu aja saran saya...
By : @Ifadelun (twitter)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Bye Facebook! Bye Twitter!
Don't ask why, please...
I just can't find any good reason to do that.
But I did it! Exactly today on last minute. Right before I write this post.
I wanna do this for long time ago, but just have no courage.
Till I found out, that I need a time for myself.
To laugh, to smile, to grumble, to cry even self suicide.
I just hate being me now.
Everyone expect me to do things they want me to do.
I know, they want all best for me, but they just don't know how to show it.
Maybe this is the best I can say, even my mind just ruined by that.
Complicated, huh?
That's why I wanna be a murderer.
I won't kill anybody but my personal life now.
I just hate being compared.
But many people do that to me.
I know, they want to courage me to do something good for my own sake.
But do they know, it's even bring me down?
And do they know, now nobody beside me that would lift me up just like those days before?
Don't pretend you know me so well.
When I even never told you the painful days I've been passing through.
You call yourself a best friend when you never know your friends are trying to hide their suffers with their fake smile?
You call yourself a mother/father when you don't know such things could kill your own daughter or son with their own hands?
I even don't know who I become now.
Words you've said are true.
And all I've been trying to satisfy you are nothing.
Forever, before your eyes... I'm just nothing.
When you compared me to someone you just know not long time ago.
Never say sorry is your pride.
Lies are forbidden but you make us say it.
I've lost the best things I ever had, before I realize it.
I have nothing left.
Awkward than ever, I tried hard to forget but it lives inside me.
I want my brother back!
I want my Mom back just like we used to be.
I want my best friends back!
I want them back!
Give 'em back to me!
I know I'm being the pathetic one now.
I hate putting on a show! I need them, I love them!
But sometimes, I just being so selfish and doubtful.
Few days ago I've been thinking to accept a new family.
I don't know how come.
Just because I've been in denial all the time.
Always putting me on a fire when feels disappoint of something.
And become reconcile when they are gathered.
Of course. No faking. It makes me looked as the bad one.
Smile. That's the best I can do before I realize I betray my own promise.
I wanna make him smile and feel the happiness I will never be able to give.
Sometimes I try to heal these wounds by doing something useless.
And these scars will recover itself.
One day, for sure.
I think I should stay away. I know it would make even better for all.
But can I live without them?
I don't know for sure.
I hope time will stay a little bit longer, and help me find out what should I do with my life.
One thing I wanna hear is I'm a great burden, so that I can leave without hesitation.
So, just for now...
Let me breathe...
Even for a while it would be a great meaning for me.
See you Facebook, See you Twitter
I hope I'll recover soon then I'll back to hear the stories that everyone wanna share with.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Dog Whisperer
If you guys know what kind of show it is...
So you must be know this man.
So you must be know this man.
Cesar Milllan...
No no not the dog! The one who sit next to it! |
I don't know why I just attracted by him...
He's kind a tough man if you just see him from the outside.
But after you watch the show,
when he has to handle all the dogs with his charisma...
He'll make you insane... His charm is really unstoppable!
It started when my father wanted to have a TV cable.
Yes, its already installed then I impatiently pressed the button...
"This is what I've been waiting for"
National Geographic Channel!
Guess what's made me stood still?
I saw dogs. Then I saw the man...
The man was using a Rollerblade and carried the dog leashes.
And all the dogs seems obey to their master and follow him behind.
What kind of show is this!
It increase all the curiosity inside my head!
How could it be?
*Still cant trust*
I didn't change the channel, I tried to keep focus and figure it out how this man could be soooo great to have a spectacular team work with so many dogs.
And I was still thinking about "Who's this man?"
In my experience as a MC of a National and International Dog Show, I never know this man, even his name called I just looked like a fool. Because I have no idea about him at all.
Oh God, where I've been this time?
He's Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer...
As I know he has 47 dogs in variety breed in one large cage..
It seems like he can speak to them heart to heart.
^^ Heart to Heart Conversation ^^ |
That's why his dogs are loving and respecting him so much!
I just cant believe what I saw on TV!
Its look like a fiction.
Yea a fiction!
See? He just have his one sacred word.
You may say it "Magical Spell" ...
"TSST" with his glare when he said that.
You cant lie that he cant impressed you with his amazing skills!
So I have to admit that I just fall in love with the way he impress me on the show.
So one thing left, Biggest wish for this time...
So one thing left, Biggest wish for this time...
I wanna meet him so bad!
As a next Vet, I still have to learn so much things from the expert as him!
NGC, make my dream come true pleaseeeeee :)
Kuliah Kerja Nyata Belajar Bersama Masyarakat ke 44 Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (Desa Wonokasian, Kecamatan Wonoayu, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur)
It's a long long loooooong title isn't it?
But that was the exactly theme we used ;)
Have so much great stories to share with you guys...
But, unfortunately can't tell you in this page...
As always, I'll post some pictures.. *Na' now ^^
This holiday I'll try to make somethin that you guys already waitin vooooo...
English Version of K-Pop songs :P
So... Just stay tune guys... ^^
It's a long long loooooong title isn't it?
But that was the exactly theme we used ;)
Have so much great stories to share with you guys...
But, unfortunately can't tell you in this page...
As always, I'll post some pictures.. *Na' now ^^
This holiday I'll try to make somethin that you guys already waitin vooooo...
English Version of K-Pop songs :P
So... Just stay tune guys... ^^
Sunday, May 22, 2011
My First Video Cover for 2NE1's New Song "Lonely"
Hahahaaaa~ Finally I upload something stupid *again* on my YouTube ...
But this is lil bit different...
It's a video!
My Face.... My Face everyone..
It looksdisgusting... hahhaaa
For your information..
When I cover this song, I got a severe sore throat..
*eventhough my voice isn't good either :LOL:
I've tried my best... but still have so much lack..
Don't worry...
I'll make another one with my friends later...
So keep eye-ing my next project for
2ne1 Lonely Song Cover Contest...
YG Family Family Family~
here it is.....
But this is lil bit different...
It's a video!
My Face.... My Face everyone..
It looks
For your information..
When I cover this song, I got a severe sore throat..
*eventhough my voice isn't good either :LOL:
I've tried my best... but still have so much lack..
Don't worry...
I'll make another one with my friends later...
So keep eye-ing my next project for
2ne1 Lonely Song Cover Contest...
YG Family Family Family~
here it is.....
Monday, April 18, 2011
My Special Breakfast
Hmmm.. it's kinda long tym I didn't ruin this blog with my awful wrote...
Hey, have you done with your breakfast this morn?
Yea / Nope???
Maybe you have some plan to cook something vo you and your family?
Yea? ... So let's check this one out...
Actually I have this kind of breakfast in Saturday and Sunday morn...
Just because I have time to cook only in those days.. hihihi...
I never have a breakfast in another five days...
My tongue always have a bitter taste in the early morn,
So I just have a glass of mineral water bvo I go to my campus...
(but I still wonder why I cant get slim...#*@^$#>??!)
Well, my laffly readers...
Have you ever heard that???
Simply its a soya bean paste noodle...
This delicious food is originated from Korea...
I took that picture, so vogimme it looked like have a really awful taste from its looked...
But, secretly... It's 정말...대박!
It's kinda easy to cook this food...
because I bought it (instant)...
Another menu, please....
Take a piece of paper and a pen, then write down the recipe!!!
It's original recipe I made.... *I swear
I just made it this morn...
Ingredients :
1. Meat
2. Red Paprica (dice it!)
Seasoning :
1. Bombay Onion (dice it!)
2. Onion (dice it!)
3. Garlic (dice it!)
4. Big Chilli (dice it!)
5. Small Chilli (dice it!)
6. MSG
7. Salt
8. Soy Sauce
9. Oyster Sauce
10. Pepper powder
11. Vegetable oil
12. Lemon (squeeze it!)
Hmmm.. it's kinda long tym I didn't ruin this blog with my awful wrote...
Hey, have you done with your breakfast this morn?
Yea / Nope???
Maybe you have some plan to cook something vo you and your family?
Yea? ... So let's check this one out...
Actually I have this kind of breakfast in Saturday and Sunday morn...
Just because I have time to cook only in those days.. hihihi...
I never have a breakfast in another five days...
My tongue always have a bitter taste in the early morn,
So I just have a glass of mineral water bvo I go to my campus...
(but I still wonder why I cant get slim...#*@^$#>??!)
Well, my laffly readers...
Breakfast Menu ala Chef Cimot...
Chajjangmyeon |
Have you ever heard that???
Simply its a soya bean paste noodle...
This delicious food is originated from Korea...
I took that picture, so vogimme it looked like have a
But, secretly... It's 정말...대박!
It's kinda easy to cook this food...
because I bought it (instant)...
Another menu, please....
Red Papp Roast |
It's original recipe I made.... *I swear
I just made it this morn...
Ingredients :
1. Meat
2. Red Paprica (dice it!)
Seasoning :
1. Bombay Onion (dice it!)
2. Onion (dice it!)
3. Garlic (dice it!)
4. Big Chilli (dice it!)
5. Small Chilli (dice it!)
6. MSG
7. Salt
8. Soy Sauce
9. Oyster Sauce
10. Pepper powder
11. Vegetable oil
12. Lemon (squeeze it!)
- Mix the soy sauce, MSG, pepper powder, vegetable oil, salt, lemon and oyster sauce.
- Smear the seasoning you made on the meat.
- Roast the meat to your grill/pan with medium heat till it half-done.
- After that, dice the meat!
- Now, we're doing the seasoning ingredients. Mix the red paprika, Bombay onion, onion, garlic, big chili, small chili.
- Heat the vegetable oil then put them all together (without the meat).
- Sauté them with the ingredients (soy sauce, MSG, pepper powder, salt and oyster sauce).
- After it perfectly done, put the meat in and mix them all together (in medium heat).
- You may put some lettuces on your plate as the garnish...
posted by : @Recimot
Wrote : Sunday, April 17th 2011
Posted : Monday, April 18th 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
B'day Gift I've Been Desire
God give me strength to fulfill your wish...
I'm grateful You let me live in such beautiful world like this...
I'm thankful for never letting me down alone...
Forgive me I cant do better as they wish for...
But I do really trust You've been givin' me the best best best families, friends and love, everythin..
I do love 'em God...
Protect 'em for me and give 'em best just as You always gimme:)
This is what I wish for my b'day gift today :) ...
Please always beside me, God :)
I do realize, I've never been good enough to everyone who love me...
So please, give 'em much better than they ever gave me...
I wish I could hold my tears now, but I cant...
How dare I ask you for this?
I never even to place You in my heart when I'm happy or sad...
But why You always gimme more than I ever ask?...
Do You still love me and think that I'm still your child?
I'm not deserve that, Father :(
I'm not good enough to be your child...
I'm not pure as You sent me 20 years ago to my present parents...
Why? Why are You confusing me with your love?
I always cried when I pray to You... It was...
I always smile and say thanks to You when I knew something good... It was...
I always pray for You on time... It was...
I always ask my Father to be the leader to pray... It was...
Now?... You know everythin...
I don't even wanna hear Your name called!!!
See? How bad I am?
Do You still believe me I can make it?...
Hopeless... That's all I can say...
I need someone to change me as yesterday...
I lost everyone I love... They're just vanished...
I always tried to make myself sure that You'd gimme the best...
But I don't know how to figure it out as "best way"...
I lost Your guide...
I need Your angels to make me stop pretending You're gone...
God, I need You to touch my heart once again...
Show me that I deserved to be loved by You!
I'm sick avoiding You...
I'm tired but I'm scare You won't accept me this time :(
I'm really scare...
All I can do just cry in my room without no one know...
You took my smile when I was with my beloved family...
You took my laugh when I was with my bestfriends...
You took my only bestfriend who could listen to me when I cry and laugh...
You took them all!
I don't know what left in me...
I lost my everything...
I lost You!!!
Guide me...
To brighter way...
Hold me...
Never let me go and make me still by Your side...
Comfort me...
Share me Your love...
I need that love, God..
I need You more than everythin...
I promise I'll forgive and forget all the things used to hurt me...
And be continued to remember all the things made me happy...
As long as You with me...
Love me once again, God...
That's all I ask for my b'day gift this time...
I'm grateful You let me live in such beautiful world like this...
I'm thankful for never letting me down alone...
Forgive me I cant do better as they wish for...
But I do really trust You've been givin' me the best best best families, friends and love, everythin..
I do love 'em God...
Protect 'em for me and give 'em best just as You always gimme:)
This is what I wish for my b'day gift today :) ...
Please always beside me, God :)
I do realize, I've never been good enough to everyone who love me...
So please, give 'em much better than they ever gave me...
I wish I could hold my tears now, but I cant...
How dare I ask you for this?
I never even to place You in my heart when I'm happy or sad...
But why You always gimme more than I ever ask?...
Do You still love me and think that I'm still your child?
I'm not deserve that, Father :(
I'm not good enough to be your child...
I'm not pure as You sent me 20 years ago to my present parents...
Why? Why are You confusing me with your love?
I always cried when I pray to You... It was...
I always smile and say thanks to You when I knew something good... It was...
I always pray for You on time... It was...
I always ask my Father to be the leader to pray... It was...
Now?... You know everythin...
I don't even wanna hear Your name called!!!
See? How bad I am?
Do You still believe me I can make it?...
Hopeless... That's all I can say...
I need someone to change me as yesterday...
I lost everyone I love... They're just vanished...
I always tried to make myself sure that You'd gimme the best...
But I don't know how to figure it out as "best way"...
I lost Your guide...
I need Your angels to make me stop pretending You're gone...
God, I need You to touch my heart once again...
Show me that I deserved to be loved by You!
I'm sick avoiding You...
I'm tired but I'm scare You won't accept me this time :(
I'm really scare...
All I can do just cry in my room without no one know...
You took my smile when I was with my beloved family...
You took my laugh when I was with my bestfriends...
You took my only bestfriend who could listen to me when I cry and laugh...
You took them all!
I don't know what left in me...
I lost my everything...
I lost You!!!
Guide me...
To brighter way...
Hold me...
Never let me go and make me still by Your side...
Comfort me...
Share me Your love...
I need that love, God..
I need You more than everythin...
I promise I'll forgive and forget all the things used to hurt me...
And be continued to remember all the things made me happy...
As long as You with me...
Love me once again, God...
That's all I ask for my b'day gift this time...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
F. CUZ - Friends Graduation English Version
hey.. F.Cuzed! ^^
I gotta somethin vo yall :D
I've just done cover this song to be an English version..
Hope you like it...
* sorry again... hahaha... I didnt cover the rap part :D it's too difficult for me...
So I just sing along :D
There are 3 versions this time...
1. Man Voice download now
2. Chipmunk Voice Normal Beat download now
3. Chipmunk Voice Faster Beat download now
Real Name : Kim Jin Chul
Stage Name : Jinon
DOB : July 13th 1989
Main Vocal
Real Name : Lee Seung Hyun
Stage Name : Lee U
DOB : March 20th 1990
Vocal Support
Real Name : Choi Young hak
Stage Name : KAN
DOB : September 30th 1991
Maknae / Main Vocal
Real Name : Shim Ye Jun
Stage Name : Yejun
DOB : February 4th 1992
And here the lyric :)
Friends Graduation (Wanna be Your Love) English Version
By: @Recimot
yeah F.CUZ it's my confession (yeah...)
no more friend (best friend) because (baby)
wanna be your man let's go...
It's kinda really frustrating when I cant see your face
I dont even know why
Everytime I think of you I found out myself laugh out loud
I guess I'm falling for you
All this time you have treated me as just your other best friend
That's not what I want to be
You dont realize my feeling yet, It drives me insane
(wanna be your love love)
Dont be surprised, hear what I say!
My best friend... My baby...
I dont wanna be your friend but your lover instead
My best friend... My lady...
Dont worry, i'm not going anywhere so take my hand
I wanna treasure you more than just a friend
So lets start our love story tomorrow
My lady... My best friend...
I have confidence, tell me what do you want to say
malhalgga malgga gominhada
nal isanghage bolggabwa mangseolyeottjiman
deo isangeun andwi
chingu nan bandae
neoman molla naega neoui namjande
ijen nae mameumeul badajwo
jaggu chingudeuli nollyeo
wanna be your love
geurae ijen geumanhaja chingun choleob
Everyday and everynight I cant close my eyes to sleep
Please stop it, its killing me
I do apologize but I'd ask a favor to you
(wanna be your love, love)
Accept my sincere feeling
My best friend... My baby...
I dont wanna be your friend but your lover instead
My best friend... My lady...
Dont worry, i'm not going anywhere so take my hand
I wanna treasure you more than just a friend
So lets start our love story tomorrow
My lady... My best friend...
I have confidence, tell me what do you want to say
Nothing will be change so dont be afraid, let's it start
Accept my feeling please
I can act like your friend
Sometimes like your lover
I'll be by your side
Look at me and say that you'll believe in me
Dont worry, we are still good friends as always
You're best friend in this world I do ever have
You're the one (only you)
I love you...(i love you)
My best friend... My baby...
I know friendship is good sometimes, Love is good too sometimes
My best friend... My lady...
Dont worry, i'm not going anywhere so take my hand
Like good friend, I'll always stay by your side
Dont be unsure, now accept my feeling please
My lady... My best friend...
I have confidence, tell me what do you want to say
I gotta somethin vo yall :D
I've just done cover this song to be an English version..
Hope you like it...
* sorry again... hahaha... I didnt cover the rap part :D it's too difficult for me...
So I just sing along :D
There are 3 versions this time...
1. Man Voice download now
2. Chipmunk Voice Normal Beat download now
3. Chipmunk Voice Faster Beat download now
Real Name : Kim Jin Chul
Stage Name : Jinon
DOB : July 13th 1989
Main Vocal
Real Name : Lee Seung Hyun
Stage Name : Lee U
DOB : March 20th 1990
Vocal Support
Real Name : Choi Young hak
Stage Name : KAN
DOB : September 30th 1991
Maknae / Main Vocal
Real Name : Shim Ye Jun
Stage Name : Yejun
DOB : February 4th 1992
And here the lyric :)
Friends Graduation (Wanna be Your Love) English Version
By: @Recimot
yeah F.CUZ it's my confession (yeah...)
no more friend (best friend) because (baby)
wanna be your man let's go...
It's kinda really frustrating when I cant see your face
I dont even know why
Everytime I think of you I found out myself laugh out loud
I guess I'm falling for you
All this time you have treated me as just your other best friend
That's not what I want to be
You dont realize my feeling yet, It drives me insane
(wanna be your love love)
Dont be surprised, hear what I say!
My best friend... My baby...
I dont wanna be your friend but your lover instead
My best friend... My lady...
Dont worry, i'm not going anywhere so take my hand
I wanna treasure you more than just a friend
So lets start our love story tomorrow
My lady... My best friend...
I have confidence, tell me what do you want to say
malhalgga malgga gominhada
nal isanghage bolggabwa mangseolyeottjiman
deo isangeun andwi
chingu nan bandae
neoman molla naega neoui namjande
ijen nae mameumeul badajwo
jaggu chingudeuli nollyeo
wanna be your love
geurae ijen geumanhaja chingun choleob
Everyday and everynight I cant close my eyes to sleep
Please stop it, its killing me
I do apologize but I'd ask a favor to you
(wanna be your love, love)
Accept my sincere feeling
My best friend... My baby...
I dont wanna be your friend but your lover instead
My best friend... My lady...
Dont worry, i'm not going anywhere so take my hand
I wanna treasure you more than just a friend
So lets start our love story tomorrow
My lady... My best friend...
I have confidence, tell me what do you want to say
Nothing will be change so dont be afraid, let's it start
Accept my feeling please
I can act like your friend
Sometimes like your lover
I'll be by your side
Look at me and say that you'll believe in me
Dont worry, we are still good friends as always
You're best friend in this world I do ever have
You're the one (only you)
I love you...(i love you)
My best friend... My baby...
I know friendship is good sometimes, Love is good too sometimes
My best friend... My lady...
Dont worry, i'm not going anywhere so take my hand
Like good friend, I'll always stay by your side
Dont be unsure, now accept my feeling please
My lady... My best friend...
I have confidence, tell me what do you want to say
NB: I don't own the rights to the original music. All content © Copyright YG Entertainment. All rights reserved.
(But yes, I did make the english lyric by myself and I own the voice that you listened up to) :)
Thanks to translate.google.com that help me a lot to translate the Hangul lyric to be an English version :)
And thanks to Wave Pad Sound Editor , Switch Sound File Converter , MixPad Audio Mixer so I could make my voice become this one :)
Also thanks vo my laffly lil bro who did help me a lot... Randy D. Sundoro
(As you wish, I include you in my thank list ^^ )
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